There he goes my baby walks so slow sexual tic-tac-toe somewhere in between ao3
There he goes my baby walks so slow sexual tic-tac-toe somewhere in between ao3

If your child's doctor finds that your child has good muscle tone and range of motion in their ankle, and the doctor also rules out cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, or another problem, then your child might be diagnosed with a condition called idiopathic toe walking.

there he goes my baby walks so slow sexual tic-tac-toe somewhere in between ao3

You may want to schedule a development assessment to make sure. Toe walking is also associated with language delays and autism spectrum disorder, so it's important to check whether your child is having other problems with communication or socialization skills. (Children born prematurely have a higher risk of developing cerebral palsy.) So if your child walks on their toes, they might have a form of cerebral palsy that causes their Achilles tendons to be so tight that their heel is pulled up and their toes point down. The most common form is "spastic," which means the affected muscles are stiff. There are several types of cerebral palsy.

there he goes my baby walks so slow sexual tic-tac-toe somewhere in between ao3

But if your child consistently walks on their toes and is unable to walk with their foot flat on the ground, it could be a sign of a motor disorder such as cerebral palsy. If your child always tiptoes, it's possible they have a physical problem, such as a short Achilles tendon, that prevents them from standing flat-footed and limits the range of motion in their ankle.

  • Seems unable to bear their weight on a flat foot.
  • Seems slow to develop fine motor skills, like picking up small objects using their finger and thumb ( pincer grasp).
  • Walks awkwardly, stumbles, or has a waddling gait.
  • there he goes my baby walks so slow sexual tic-tac-toe somewhere in between ao3

    But be sure to talk to your child's doctor if your child:

    There he goes my baby walks so slow sexual tic-tac-toe somewhere in between ao3